Baliga, A., & Roßmann, M. (2024, August 28). How representations can jeopardize and mislead democratic participation of urban stakeholders in Mumbai. Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society
Bareis, J., Roßmann, M., & Bordignon, F. (2024, July 17). Towards a Definition of Hype. EASST/4S 2024, Amsterdam. https://www.easst4s2024.net/
Roßmann, M. (2024, July 17). The four language games of error correction in science. EASST/4S 2024, Amsterdam. https://www.easst4s2024.net/
Roßmann, M., & Kelly, A. (2024, July 17). Dutch universities’ response to the ChatGPT hype in higher education: A digital methods approach on visionary communication. EASST/4S 2024, Amsterdam. https://www.easst4s2024.net/
Bareis, J., Roßmann, M. (2024, April, 11). Technology Hypes: How to deal with inappropriate exaggeration? Tallinn University of Technology, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Roßmann, M. (2023, November 21). Dutch Universities’ Response to the ChatGPT Hype in Higher Education: A Digital Methods Approach to Visionary Communication. Measuring Culture, Bremen.
Wallenborn, J. (2023, November 17). Der Mythos Sustainable AI: Multimodale Metaphernanalyse von Tweets im Zeitraum 2017 bis 2023. GWTF Jahrestagung: Klimawelten – Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft im Dauerumbau?, Dortmund.
Gaillard, S., & Roßmann, M. (2023, June 28). (Don’t) keep on pretending – conditions and constraints for ‘successfully’ failing technology projects. STS 2023 Italia Conference, Bologna, Italy.
Roßmann, M., & Kelly, A. (2023, June 29). The ChatGPT hype as a medium to popularize and jeopardize social debates about values and virtues in education. STS 2023 Italia Conference, Bologna, Italy.
Roßmann, M. (2023) Scenario methods – for manipulation or deliberation? HumTec-Kolloquium, RWTH Aachen, 25. April 2023
Roßmann, M. (2023) The ChatGPT hype as a medium to popularize and jeopardize social debates about values and virtues in education. Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET) 2023
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider , C. (2022) Transformative Vision Assessment: A Methodology for Shaping Responsible and Sustainable Digital Futures in Science and Society 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 25.–27. Juli 2022
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C. (2021) Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft: Scenario workshop des ITAS/KIT (2021), Online, 20. Oktober 2021
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C. (2021) From Visions Towards Scenarios for Future Additive Manufacturing in Society Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – the 3DMM2O Conference 2021: 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems (2021), Online, 1.–4. März 2021
Baliga, A.; Roßmann, M. (2020) Democratic Legitimation or Naturalized Evolution? How Prototyping Urban Futures Risks Democratic Participation of Urban Stakeholders Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, 18.–21. August 2020
Roßmann, M. (2020) Visions as Make-believe: How Models and Narratives Represent Sociotechnical Futures Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, 18.–21. August 2020
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C. (2020) Vision Assessment in the Cluster of Excellence: 3D Matter Made to Order
Online Presentation for the Cluster of Excellence 3DMM20, KIT Karlsruhe (2020), Online, 10. Dezember 2020
Roßmann, M.; Berg, M.; Bräuer, P. (2020) Narrative im Standortauswahlverfahren TRANSENS Arbeitstreffen (2020), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2.–4. November 2020
Dobroć, P.; Roßmann, M.; Lösch, A. (2019)
Visions as socio-epistemic practices: Foundation and application in Technology Assessment Technology, Innovation and Society for visitors of the Baumann Moscow State Technical University (2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 23. Januar 2019
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C. (2019) Report Vision Assessment Studie Coordinating Committee Meeting 3DMM20 (2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 12. September 2019
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C. (2019) Vision Assessment on the societal implications of scalable 3D printing Feedbackdialog des Projekts Vision Assessment des skalierbaren 3D Drucks im Exzellenzcluster 3D Matter Made to Order, Heidelberg, Deutschland, 18. Juli 2019
Stratmann, M.; Schäfer, P.; Rötzer, N.; Roßmann, M. (2019) Vergleichbarkeit von LCAs – Review und Diskussion des Anwendungszwecks Ökobilanzwerkstatt (2019), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 17.–19. September 2019
Rösch, C.; Roßmann, M. (2018) Key narratives on microalgae for food production Congress FOOD 2030: Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, September 5-6, 2018
Rösch, C.; Roßmann, M. (2018) Transdisciplinary development of narratives on algae-based food 8th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2018
Rösch, C.; Roßmann, M. (2018) Wandel in der Ernährung: Visionen der Nahrungsmittelproduktion aus Mikroalgen Workshop “Bioökonomie nachhaltig gestalten”, Universität Hohenheim (2018), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 28. Februar 2018
Roßmann, M. (2018) Narrative self-reference and the assessment of knowledge. Part of PhD project on computational narratives in bioeconomy (Max Roßmann) The Role of the Future in Economic and Political Sociology. Joint PhD Seminar of Sciences Po (2018), Köln, Deutschland, 24.–26. September 2018
Roßmann, M. (2018) Computational narratives – philosophical reflections on Jupyter notebook Gulaschprogrammiernacht (GPN), Karlsruhe, 10.-13.Mai 2018
Roßmann, M.; Grünke, P. (2018) Models, narratives and the assessment of knowledge OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, Amsterdam, NL, January 9-11, 2018
Roßmann, M.; Rösch, C. (2018) The interplay of data-models and narratives: Visions of an algae-based nutritium? 4th Post-Normal Science Symposium (PNS 2018), Barcelona, Spanien, 15.–17. November 2018
Roßmann, M.; Rösch, C. (2018) Erbsenzähler und Visionäre? Philosophie und Sozialpsychologie in der Innovationsforschung zur Ernährung aus Mikroalgen Frauen-Akademie der VHS Karlsruhe, 23.April 2018
Roßmann, M.; Rösch, C. (2018) Projects in bioeconomic research: Visions of an algae-based nutrition Workshop for Product Development, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, March 13, 2018
Roßmann, M. (2017) Post-narrative assessment?. ‘Post-truth’ and a crisis of trust? Perspectives from Post-Normal Science and Extended Citizen Participation, Tübingen, September 25-26, 2017
Roßmann, M.; Rösch, C. (2017) Guiding images, visions and narrative scenarios of an algae-based nutrition 2nd International Bioeconomy Congress, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, September 12-13, 2017
Roßmann, M.; Rösch, C. (2017) Scenarios for the application of microalgae as food
Meeting of the Research Area Microalgae, University of Hohenheim, April 27, 2017